Health Benefits of Natural Light

In our most recent blog, we talked a little bit about how having new replacement windows installed can help add more natural light to your San Jose home. However, what makes natural light so replacement windows san josemuch better than artificial light? Not only does natural light do a lot to help liven up your living space, but there are also several other health benefits to be had from increasing your exposure to natural light. That’s right, natural light has the ability to directly affect your body and health.

Mood Improvement
It has been found that limited amounts of exposure to natural sunlight can lead to depression. In fact, some cases of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can be linked to limited exposure to sunshine and natural light. This often occurs during the winter. So, if you are feeling sad or depressed, try spending some more time outside every day or increase the amount of natural light in your office or home.

More Energy
Natural light helps improve your energy levels and helps fight against fatigue, while artificial light actually has a negative effect on your energy levels. If it’s 3 o’clock and you are struggling to stay awake at work, see if you can add some more natural light to your workspace or take a ten-minute break and walk around outside.

Better Sleep
Artificial light has a negative effect on your circadian rhythm. Too much exposure to artificial light, whether it be from your phone, computer or office lights, can have noticeable, negative effects on your sleep patterns. When you spend more time in naturally lit environments, your body’s circadian rhythm and your sleep patterns will start to improve.

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